Know which data to monitor

Working with big data requires planning.  When looking at Google Analytics reports, for example, you have so much information available that you may not be able to extract any analysis from it. Therefore, you need to know how to prioritize the data you should monitor. And what defines this prioritization are the goals that should be outlined in the marketing plan. This way, you can identify key performance indicators (KPIs) that tell you if your content is on the right path to reach its goals.

Suppose Content Marketing has

the goal of increasing brand awareness, for example. In Belgium Data that case, data marketing should prioritize reach metrics, positions on Google results, number of searches for the brand name in the search engine, among others. Explore different types of data To explore the full potential of data marketing, you need to use the different types of data that can be collected. First, look at primary and secondary data. Primary data is valuable for getting to know your audiences better and answering specific questions in your research. It is usually collected through: Interviews.

Questionnaires. Feedback surveys

Phone Data

Focus groups. Ethnography or ethnography. Cookies Belgium Phone Number from web analytics tools. Heat maps. On the other hand, secondary data has already. Been gathered by other companies, organizations, or researchers. It can reveal general audience characteristics or major market trends, for example. They may be available from: Newspaper and magazine reports. Reports by research institutes. Government publications. Studies by professional associations. Academic papers. In addition, explore both quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative marketing research, usually done with questionnaires, can cover a larger population and reveal. Behavior patterns, but it does not provide in-depth answers.

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