It is always difficult to write congratulations

Confessions of tender feelings, especially to order. Even if you are not an old soldier, you may not know the words of love at all. But every performer understands one thing: on the eve of the holidays, love prose is in great demand. Don’t miss out on good orders – use 3 universal tips for writing love confessions!

Individuality Above All

Writing a good congratulation or a declaration of love is not so easy. It should be addressed to a certain person and touch him to the core. But what words to choose to express the feelings of one person to another – to someone whom you do not know at all? Just don’t panic!

The first thing you need to do is to find out a little more about the subject of love fiction. Check with the customer the gender and age of the person to whom the reverent message will be addressed. Feel free to ask about the appearance of the addressee. This is especially important when writing love lines dedicated to girls, because they highly appreciate compliments about appearance.

After drawing up a verbal portrait, pick up beautiful epithets that characterize the main features (young, blond, blue-eyed, etc.). These words will allow a person to feel that the congratulation was created especially for him.

Every word needs to be relevant
Love prose can be dedicated to both a man and a woman. But remember: the style of presentation directly depends on the gender of Netherlands Mobile Number List the addressee. Congratulations on Valentine’s Day, addressed to a young man, should not be saturated with the adjectives “beautiful”, “graceful”, “elegant”. These words are more suitable for creating a compliment to a girl, while men will certainly appreciate such characteristics as “attentive” and “romantic”. Such descriptions are full of warmth and help to better express tender feelings and emphasize how expensive what a loved one does.

Love prose traditionally consists of three parts

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introduction – it should indicate the purpose of the message
the main part – a little specificity (the very epithets discussed above) and compliments will not hurt here;
conclusion – in it, go to the description of romantic feelings, and summarize with words that describe love, loyalty and devotion.

When creating congratulations for February 23, the from CU Leads to hasis should be on masculinity, courage, and fortitude. The male recipient should feel like a support for his beloved, her protector and hero. But try to fill congratulations by March 8 with such epithets as “fragile”, “caring”, “tender”. Love messages and congratulations on March 8 should focus on the fragile feminine, and not on the culinary talents, accuracy or determination.

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