Install Plugin Importer – How to Import WordPress
In order to import this data, you need the plugin to run importer . You can install this plugin by accessing the import page. Please search on that page until you find the-last-way-you-have-to-do-to-import the WordPress option. After that, then you install the importer plugin on WordPress.
How to Import WordPress by Uploading Export Files
If the plugin has been installed, then you can import data from the old WordPress to the new one. The way to import data from an old WordPress website is to run the importer plugin. To run it, the method is quite easy, namely by clicking the run importer button .
Next, an import page from your new WordPress will appear automatically. If the page appears, please click choose file . Next, the step you have to take to import this data is to select the file from the old WordPress export in XML form. Then, please click upload file and import .
WordPress is to submit the file that you uploaded earlier
. You can change the author name or redirect Communication Email List authors from the old site to the new one. Also, click import attachment to import all blog posts. After that, then you click submit to complete the WordPress import process.
How to Import Export WordPress Widgets
When you import and export WordPress in the above way, there are still some files that cannot be transferred to the new site. This is because the plugin used can only be used for content the-last-way-you-have-to-do-to-import in the form of text and media libraries only. Thus, other files such as widgets cannot be installed in the import and export to the new WordPress.
So, to import and export this WordPress widget , you have to install the importer and exporter plugin . After that, do the
If the previous two methods were only for moving content and widget data, then what about all the data in the online store? To import and export data in an online store on WordPress, the steps you can take are to use a plugin for users and customers.
Basically, the method for importing and exporting online store data is the same as for content and widgets. It’s just that the plugins used are different and specifically for CU Leads online store data. So that you understand better, here’s how to use the WordPress online shop data import and export plugin.
Export Online Store Data
To export data from an online store after a hosting upgrade, you must first install the import and export users and customers plugin on the old WordPress. If so, then do the same thing by importing and exporting content data in