Return Three secrets to success during the 2024 festival season

However, although the festive season is a good time. For brands to promote their products, brands should still avoid bombarding. Consumers with overwhelming promotions and shopping guide information. According to surveys , consumers will add a brand to their. Blacklist after experiencing just one negative shopping. Experience and will no longer repurchase. To achieve the best balance, brands should focus on creating. A shopping journey that attracts and satisfies consumers’ experience. Such as using fun and personalized elements to promote shopping schedules. So that consumers can feel the brand’s creativity or have a home-away-from-home shopping experience.

Shopping experience: diverse and fun personalized communication

In brick-and-mortar stores, brands can ensure space planning provides the best shopping and checkout experience, and place associates at strategic locations within the store to assist customers at the right time. After the impact of the epidemic in the past two America Cell Phone Number List years, many physical retail channels have begun to use digital technology to enhance services in the store, such as using QR codes to redeem gift offers, self-checkout through tablets, or combining smart menus to recommend popular products. These tools Or self-service can create more consumer behavior data for brands, which can be used for subsequent analysis and value-added services, bringing consumers a better shopping experience.

America Cell Phone Number List

Buying incentives: Give customers something to look forward to

On e-commerce platforms, if brands can improve UI/UX design for festive promotions, such as establishing dedicated pages for all promotional products and making good use of recommendation blocks to provide a simpler and more personalized Taiwan Phone Number List browsing experience, after consumers enter the site, The online shopping experience can also be improved by instantly displaying the products they have viewed and deploying chatbots to answer consumers’ questions instantly.

For example, Taiwan’s sneaker trading platform AREA 02 uses AI-driven personalized solutions to automatically detect user behavior and trigger push notifications based on events to display products that may be of interest to individual customers, thereby stimulating consumption conversions.

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