As the first Especially for those who are new to design, easily determining the HTML equivalent of color codes and compatible colors will save time. Of course, the selection process we explain here can be. Used not only in website design, but also when choosing suitable clothes and combinations. Similarly, depending on the decoration, we can use these techniques when painting our house. Color selection when designing a site! When choosing website visuals, it should be taken into consideration which sector, which age group and which audience it appeals to. Additionally, it should be designed with attention to corporate identity .
Shades suitable for the institution’s
Logo make the site more effective. For example, the choice we make in creating a company website should be proportional to the function Egypt WhatsApp Number List and logo of the institution so that it can give confidence to the visitor. As a result, websites communicate with visitors in the virtual environment as the first representative of institutions. The health condition of the visitor should also be considered when making the decision . Eye-tiring tones should not be preferred, for example, red text on a dark blue background or yellow text on fuchsia .
Such eye-tiring choices should be avoided
That the situation of leaving the site due to discomfort is eliminated. Again, considering color blindness and eye disorders, care should be taken to Taiwan WhatsApp Number List use red and green carefully. color palette In the table above, there is a screenshot of which color is compatible with blue, which color is green, and which color is opposite colors compatible with. Of course, you can make this choice among millions of colors. What is RGB? It is the color space consisting of the combination of Red, Green and Blue colors. There are millions of colors that are combinations of these colors in density.