In its official information

What is the relationship between Core Web Vitals and SEO?
Before we go any further, let’s discuss the relationship between CWB and SEO.

1. Influence Factor Ranking

, Google states that CWV can be a factor in determining Page Experience. And Page Experience is one of the ranking factors on Google. Because it is a determining factor for ranking, then of course you need to pay special attention to this issue, so that you are successful in optimizing the SEO that you are doing.

2. Become a Ranking Factor in 2021
Changes to the ranking of these factors Fitness Spa Clubs Email List  which can be effectively carried out in 2021.

This means that there is still an opportunity for you to get ready to understand and apply the CWB’s various metrics.

3.Only Used For Mobile Devices

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On December 3, 2020, Google provided information in the form of several frequently asked questions or FAQs. In this release, Google stated that:

Currently, Page Experience is a Google ranking factor, for it can only apply to Mobile Search.

This is surprising information, but we must respond wisely so we can optimize SEO properly and correctly.

Core Web Vitals
CWV currently has three main metrics, which CU Leads  are as follows. The first is the largest contentful paint or LCP.

1. Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
Largest Contentful Paint is the time it takes for a website to display the main content and be ready for interaction.

What is meant by main content is content that can be entered into the user’s viewport or screen the first time the website is opened.


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