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A good company I suggest you consider this as a side note. Important note: If you accidentally remove the home page while using the Remove Url tool. Your site may be temporarily. Removed from Google cache. Therefore, you should examine the list correctly and. Make sure that your site home page is not in it and it is not just. How to fix search errors that give 404 errors. The most important tool that will help you detect and fix 404 pages is Search Console, also known as. Google Webmaster Tools, produced by Google. Follow these steps to find and fix 404 errors.

Log in to Google Search Console

Go to the pages that appear as not found in the crawl errors section under the crawl title. While doing this, check all desktop, smartphone, feature Iceland WhatsApp Number List phone tabs. Highlight all the url and click on the download button. Save the file with CSV extension. Open the downloaded document with Excel and look at the list (Go to the tip under the Items). Download the bulk uninstaller plugin. ( Unfortunately, the plugin written by us was removed from the store by Google Chrome ) Go to the Google Chrome extensions section and drag the compressed file to the extensions page.

Activate the plugin click on the remove

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Url tab under Google webmaster tools > Google index. If you have installed the plugin correctly, you should see the browse button. After clicking Germany Telegram Number List the Browse button, select the .txt file containing all the links containing the 404 unreachable pages you want to remove. ( Attention : Be careful that there is no / or home page in this file. If you accidentally remove the working page or home page. Your site will be temporarily removed from the search results. Sit back and enjoy. After the process is completed. You must select all pages and select. The ‘ mark as corrected ‘ option.

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