Search engine for a keyword. With regional SEO

Search engine Your unreachable pages giving 404 usually appear in the Google Search Console crawl errors section after unconsciously changing the link structure or deleting the content . The increase in crawling errors here generally makes site owners nervous. In this section, we may encounter hundreds, sometimes thousands, of unreachable pages and unreachable URLs. This situation, which is harmful for user interaction, also poses an extremely critical problem in terms of SEO. In order to prevent not found errors. The most important question is why the content cannot be accessed. You must develop the solution technique for each situation.

If the crawl errors consist of pages

That you deleted and deliberately wanted to give a 404 unreachable error, you do not need to take any action. Let crawling errors accumulate Hong Kong WhatsApp Number List and disappear over time. However, if errors have accumulated due to a reason such as hacking or accidentally changing the url structure, then you need to find the source of this error and solve it. I recommend you to read our detailed guide on Google indexing . What is 404 not found error? 404 is and status code that indicates that a page on the site cannot be found by search engine robots (crawlers).

It is called Not found error and it indicates

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That that URL has been deleted from the server. If the deletion was done by you, there is no problem. However, in case of suspicion of hacking Egypt Telegram Number List or other situations, intervention is necessary. What causes 404 not found error? It is very natural for a deleted URL to give 404 as a status code. As a result of Google and Yandex bots not being able to reach the deleted pages, crawling errors accumulate. For detailed information on the subject: changing permalink settings in WordPress .

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