Home » What are the main sales methodologies and what do they consist of?

What are the main sales methodologies and what do they consist of?

Traditional marketing is based on intrusive and aggressive promotional strategies such as direct sales, television advertising, radio, spam emails and print media, focusing their attention on the product or service. This marketing methodology is becoming less and less effective. In fact, almost 49% of those surveyed by EGM admit that they currently watch less television than they did two or three years ago. This percentage increases if we refer to people from Generation Z (72.9%) or Millennials (57.7%) do they consist .

Nowadays, users don’t believe much in advertising  do they consist campaigns and prefer to receive recommendations from influencers or family members. According to a study by Tapinfluence , 49% of consumers trust recommendations from social media influencers. Another different study recognizes that no less than 83% of users trust brand

recommendations from people they know

That said, you should know that, compared to traditional marketing, the cost of content marketing is 62% lower than traditional marketing and it generates three times the volume of leads. ( NeilPatel )

This sales methodology can be commonly found in law firms, architecture firms, software design firms, etc. It consists of a type of business relationship that requires support and time to develop, since the solution brazil telegram data 30 million  becomes evident at the end.

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As with consultative selling, in this type of strategy the client’s needs are more important than the product itself. In this type of sales, the user seeks to acquire solutions rather than just products. In addition, the user  10 keys to success in your b2b sales strategies needs the technical knowledge of a specialized company.

But what is consultative sales?
When we talk about “consultative sales” we are referring to a sales methodology in which the salesperson advises the client in a personalized way.

The goal of consultative selling is to do they consist  pay attention to the client’s needs and provide knowledge and solutions according to their problems. In this methodology, the product is not the protagonist, but rather,

everything revolves around the client


This sales methodology is a strategy that is also based on content marketing and has the purpose (in addition to generating a sale) of converting america email list the customer into a promoter. It consists of dividing the sales process into stages that cover from the moment of attracting customers with relevant content to loyalty after having purchased a product, adding value in each of the stages.

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