You can do a lot with a small team! but you need skills in other software and a good background to solve a lot of these issues!” he adds.
Creating Custom Agendas for Attendees
In addition to interstitials! the Global Events team also turned to Anthropic’s Claude to create assets.
Claude because it doesn’t train on the data you input!”said Matt Diaz! the team lead on HubSpot’s Global Events team. “It has a large context window so we could upload a lot of information for it to train on and give us the output without keeping that data for its system.”
They wanted to develop attendee israel telegram data personas and create targeted agendas! which would then be used to promote the event in an interactive “Choose Your Own INBOUND Adventure” quiz.
The team’s first step was asking Claude to create targeted agendas! based on INBOUND’s sessions and speakers! their buyer personas! and their goals and objectives.
Their next step was instructing Claude to make sure each agenda was unique! without overlapping sessions! making sure to add the chatbot for context and reasoning behind its choices.
The process took two to three rounds of reviews! as
Claude would sometimes hallucinate! creating sessions or speakers that didn’t exist.
The whole process took less than a full day! according to the team.
“If you were to hire a team to do that! you‘re talking multiple days!” Diaz says! “and they’re going to hit you over the head with a lot of money to do that. And this was the price of a Claude pro subscription.”
Once their targeted agenda was step 3 – define the specifics of your offer built! they created dedicated personas for each agenda. This included marketing-focused ones like the AI-Driven Leader and the Marketing Technologist! sales-ones like the Go-To-Market Strategist! and founder-inspired ones like the Data-Driven Leader.
The second half of this project involved creating a personality quiz that attendees could take to match their persona to a targeted agenda.
“We were operating under the canada cell numbers assumption that! especially on social media! people don’t want to go and find out who they are!” said Sarah Hughes! the social media lead on the Global Events team. “They like to be told who they are through these quizzes or personality tests.”