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Two rules to always remember

Rule number one: the user came for entertainment. not shoppingVKontakte is an entertainment site where people relax. read news and communicate. They don’t even think about finding a pizzeria. a lawyer or a car dealership. If a person ne.s to buy tires or a dress. he will most likely open Yandex and search for what he ne.s there.

She caught their attention.

The only exceptions are  spain telegram data popular. mass services bas. on a personal brand – w.ding photographers. for example. Here. a person is looking for someone to do a photo shoot for him. And so…

Rule number two: interest in order to sell.

This rule follows from the first one. Advertising on VKontakte works differently than on  european leads Yandex or Google. Here. no one is looking for you. here you yourself make an offer to the user. so your offer should be design. to attract attention. People click on advertising if:

They ne. it right now.

For example. a user might not think that he or she ne.s to buy tires or find a manicurist right now. But if he or she sees an ad for tires with a 75% discount. he or she might think. “Wow! I was going to buy them in two or three weeks. I ne. to buy them now and save money.”

They saw a special condition or offer.

To sum it up. we can say that for advertising on VKontakte you ne. to carefully analyze the product.  choose your budget and campaign duration your target audience bas. on the propos. model. If your  business is not design. for purchase here and now. you should think about implementing a two-step sales model or other methods of attracting customers’ attention.


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