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Step 5 – Add a Time Frame

The time frame is very good for demonstrating a guarantee of results. If you guarantee that you will perform a service within a certain period of time, or your product will work for a certain number of years, then this is a serious bid to have your offer chosen.

  • Example: “We’ll deliver pizza in 30 minutes”
  • Another example: “In 12 weeks you will speak English no worse than a graduate of a linguistic university.”
  • Another example: “Our vacuum cleaner will work for 10 years without changing the filter.”

Your task is to define a time frame

That your competitors cannot set. There is an interesting point here. It often happens that this time frame is implied by default for your work. Let’s say almost all dentists do oral cleaning in 60 minutes (I came up with this as an example). But few of them talk about this in their advertising, so if you state in your USP: “We do oral cleaning in 60 minutes”  uk telegram data  then you will already make a plus for yourself in the eyes of the patient (after all, he does not know that everyone does it in 60 minutes).

If you see that there is a certain time standard on the market, but no one is talking about it, then feel free to include it in your USP.

Step #6 – Add “…or what”


This is the simplest step. Usually they add “…or we’ll refund your money” . This “or” can be anything. “…or free delivery”, “…or the second helping is on the house”, “…or we’ll give you a bottle of champagne as a gift” .

The most popular example european leads  of a USP for pizzerias was invented by Domino’s Pizza, which sounds like this: “Pizza in 30 minutes or free.”

But usually, money back or some free commitments work flawlessly. So you don’t even have to think too much about it, just include them in your USP.

As a result

After completing all these 6 steps, you will have your own USP. There is an important point here. Not everything from this constructor must be in your offer. No time guarantee? Don’t add it. You can’t return the money (although this is strange)… refuse it in the USP.

But I want to point out that if your USP includes every element of this constructor, your offer will be 100% unbeatable. So don’t be lazy. Go ahead!

P.S. At first I wanted to generate some USP for all these 6 steps at the end of this guide. But then you would just take it as a template, without thinking about what unique offer you can make.

So let’s do it this way.

Write your USP in the what can you achieve by communicating on pinterest?  comments, and I will comment on it.

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