Other groups of people with disabilities! particularly those with learning disabilities! benefit greatly from color when used to distinguish and organize content.
- Think mobile first
As we said before! not all people have a computer or a high-performance connection capable of supporting the loading of extremely complex and structured websites.
Prioritize mobile use and try to simplify your mapping as much as possible : this will benefit those who do not view the site from a computer! but also users with disabilities who rely on external readers.
- Limit inaccessible dynamic animations
If your website is full of dynamic content that appears without the need to refresh the pages (such as pop-ups and lightboxes)! screen readers may have a hard time reading it. Try to understand if this content is really functional for your website and how it can be made more accessible. Moreover! in terms of User Experience! lightboxes and pop-ups are particularly annoying for users…
Accessibility! but also sustainability
A survey conducted by the magazine Roba da Donne in 2021 confirmed the Italian tendency to give great consideration to their impact on the environment.
55.45% of survey participants say they stockholder database take into account the environmental impact of their purchases! 83.74% say they would use green transport more consistently if it were more accessible! 75.05% pay close attention to the sustainability of product materials and 82.31% are interested in everything that makes daily habits greener.
Interest in everything that is sustainable and has a low environmental impact is undoubtedly hot : it concerns purchasing choices! but also the tools that allow us to make certain purchases! such as applications and web platforms.
Collectively! the web accounts for 2% of all greenhouse gas emissions (you can check how much a specific website consumes with digital culture in the b2b sector this free tool ). Every time someone opens a single web page! they emit 20 milligrams of CO2 per second. For more complex sites! this figure can be as high as 300 milligrams.
There are currently about 3.5 billion web users worldwide. But with the world’s population constantly growing and more and more people accessing the Internet! the amount of computers and data centers is set to increase dramatically – and that’s a problem.
How can a website be sustainable?
For example! by optimizing and reducing the size of images . Do we really need all the images on the entire website to be very high resolution and weigh a lot? Probably not.
The same applies to videos: it is true! numerous ba leads surveys confirm that they are considered more engaging and interactive than images! but it is possible to find a compromise by preferring short videos! embedded directly within the website from YouTube and similar and! above all! without automatic autoplay.
Also fundamental is the choice of a hosting service that is as sustainable and green as possible . Also highly recommended are all the revision and “cleaning” actions that allow sites to become progressively simpler! minimal! optimized and faster to navigate: in short! remove what is not needed!