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How to sell by email and convert more clients [TUTORIAL]

According to Pew Research , 92% of adults with a digital presence use email, and 61% of them use it every day. This information alone shows us that email is an important channel of communication with customers  convert more clients .

Another important issue is that, according to Forrester Research , 90% of the emails sent reach the customer’s inbox , while Facebook only shows 2% of non-paid posts that reach your followers .

These statistics therefore prove that email remains a very mature and secure channel for maintaining the flow of customer service . In addition to that, its cost is lower, since with other networks and channels, it is only possible to have the same result if you make a larger investment.

In this way, when planning your company’s marketing strategies, don’t forget to implement actions

thinking about how to sell by email

With the rise of social media, many professionals have begun to question whether it is still worth learning how to sell by email.

However, looking back at all the networks  convert more clients that have come and gone — remember MSN? Orkut? — and so many others that will be created and forgotten, it’s easy to see that there is one medium that has not only stood the test of time, but is still very effective: email.

In fact, a study by McKinsey concluded that email marketing is up to 40 times more effective than Facebook, Twitter and  greece telegram phone number list LinkedIn in attracting new customers.

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Whether you’re interested in lead generation or customer retention , knowing the main types of email can help you choose  how to sell by email and convert more clients [tutorial] the best format to achieve your goals. Whether it’s offering more information to your contact list or introducing new products, these four types of email marketing are very useful and


signs up for your blog or requests a free trial

Its goal is to greet the customer and make them feel seen, thanking them for their interest in what you have to offer. It’s also a good idea ao lists  to include a brief  convert more clients description of your company and how you plan to help them.

If you are going to launch a new product or service, an excellent way to present it to your potential customers is through email. You can use this communication channel to offer more details about the item gradually. That is, do not explain everything at once, but divide the information into more than one email to generate interest and, eventually, convert the reader into a customer.

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