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 in Copywriting mr-miyagi-copywriting

-advice- Copywriting is a bit like martial arts; you don’t need to take aggressive action to see results. Image source. Marketing can be like martial arts. In a fight . you can floor your opponent with brute force. You can throw a burst of punches and strikes . or grapple until you’re blue in the face.


 Or you can calmly step back

. target one of your opponent’s pressure Read Also Ecommerce In The BB Service points . and quickly end the fight with one swift strike. Marketing your business is the same. You can grow by taking aggressive action. You can crank out more content . or pay for ads and leads to increase traffic.

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 Or… simply step back and target

the “pressure points” in your marketing  No price reduction by finding small tweaks that create big wins. One of the best ways to get big wins from small tweaks is to focus on converting more prospects into customers by strengthening your copy. But not all copywriting tweaks are created equal. You can spend hours tweaking the wrong things and get weak results .


 so here are five simple but effective ways to ramp up your conversions by cranking up the power of your copy… Mr. Miyagi style. . Use open loops to seduce your prospect Ever had an awesome TV show that you couldn’t stop watching A series of books that you couldn’t put down You have Congratulations .


 you’ve experienced the

power of open loops (also called the Zeigarnik effect). Open loops prey on our brain’s natural desire for completion. You see . the brain enters a state of confusion or tension when it views something as incomplete. The cause could be a story . a question . even a household chore that you forgot to complete — and the only way to overcome that confusion and tension is for your brain to close the open loop.


 When it comes to writing copy . an open loop is a part of your sales message that doesn’t tie up immediately. You can apply open loops to any copy and instantly make it more magnetic. Here’s an open loop example from the CopyHour landing page. copywriting-copyhour-landing-page The writer starts the sales letter with talk of a mysterious little secret that top copywriters used to sharpen their chops .


 and as a result make bucket

loads of cash – instantly making you wonder what this secret is. But it doesn’t stop there. The sales page goes on to constantly dangle this secret right in front of your face. This strengthens your curiosity and makes you more invested in finding out what the mysterious secret is – increasing the chance of a conversion.


 Open loops aren’t hard to implement. The easiest way to get started is to ask more questions in your copy and vaguely expand on the question . just like the example above. This lack of completion makes your reader feel curious and more invested in your copy. Top tip: Keep your content loops fresh by experimenting with a nifty copy generator Smart Copy to switch up your messaging and find new ways to talk about your product.

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