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Digital Culture in the B2B Sector

In an age of uncertainty and constant change! looking at data helps us plan our direction.
We are surrounded by numbers and predictions! which even before the arrival of technology offered us a safe haven! and which still guide us today.

Yet there is a segment of companies in which this data is not always exploited and managed properly: these are mainly companies that operate in the B2B sectors.

For this reason! our friends and colleagues at Marketing Arena! in collaboration with the Department of Management at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice! have set themselves a goal: more information and knowledge on how companies react to market obstacles.

Thus! for the second consecutive year! they have developed the “B2B Marketing Observatory” project : a study aimed at marketing managers! CEOs and all those belonging to the sector.

The Observatory’s study! in its second edition! involved 121 companies in northern Italy that had a turnover of between 10 and 50 million euros in the two-year period 2019 – 2020.

The companies examined are operating in the beverage! machinery manufacturing! automotive manufacturing! software manufacturing and IT consulting sectors. (To download the free report! link at the bottom of the article)

How Web Marketing is perceived in the B2B sector

The study shows that companies are aware of the need to plan a data-based digital marketing strategy (for 58% of those interviewed).

However! the importance of corporate line database culture emerges as a determining factor in the implementation of marketing strategies! a recurring theme in the research conducted.

The need to plan! in fact! does not seem to be a homogeneous trend. For the moment! this philosophy is relegated to individual companies that carry forward! share and spread the culture of data and analysis within them.

B2B companies and communication: who takes care of the web marketing strategy?

Counterintuitively! one glaring fact stands out: almost all B2B companies have internalized digital marketing management.

Thanks to digital! in fact! companies spencer scheeler vice president have more tools at their disposal to manage relationships with flexibility and promptness.

Furthermore! another piece of data that gives hope for the transition is that! in 64% of the companies interviewed! the person in charge of the digital marketing office has not changed in the last two years.

A sign of consolidation of skills and knowledge in the sector.

Resources for Web Marketing in B2B Companies

The aspect of economic resources invested in digital marketing even sees a doubling ( from 5% to 11% of turnover) between 2020 and 2021.

If before a handshake was used to seal mobile list a deal! the pandemic has accentuated the push towards the digital world. This is thanks to e-commerce and! consequently! the promotional activities necessary to build a solid brand reputation.

In 43% of companies! of the entire budget allocated to Web Marketing activities! only 1% is allocated to advertising.

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