In my practice, I often encounter a type of client that I call the “Hemorrhoid Client.”
Most people think that a hemorrhoid client is some kind of ill-mannered, mentally unstable thug who asserts his rights with or without reason. Or they think that this is a restless, sick-in-the-head aunt who throws tantrums, screams and behaves like a bull in a china shop.
Of course, there are such people
But it is difficult to call usa telegram data them hemorrhoids. They are simply inadequate people. It is easiest not to let such people within cannon shot right away. Fortunately, they are noticeable from the first steps.
So who is a hemorrhoid client?
I call clients who are difficult to figure out right away “hemorrhoids”. Initially, they may be quite intelligent, seem smart and polite, but then problems begin.
For example, in the middle of a project, such a client may tell you: “Let’s do everything differently .” Naturally, it will be implied that this is all at your expense. Or he may simply sabotage the work and blame you for it.
As practice shows, such clients
Have eternal life problems. But if sick clients immediately splash them out on you and you can send them away, then these infections are cunning. european leads They keep their problems to themselves and they break through at some point when it is too late to retreat.
In my practice, I don’t remember a
Single project that was completed with a hemorrhoidal client. They all have some kind of quirk, when at some part of the work they start doing everything to prevent the project from happening.
I can’t yet clearly define how to detect such
Aclient BEFORE you start instagram trends of 2022 worth working with him. Sometimes intuition helps, but as a business technologist it is important for me to understand the process. Intuition, unfortunately, is not a process.