Why should I buy from you? Most will blurt out phrases like: “We have quality”. “We are cheaper”. “We have an office in the center” and so on.
Inde.. If everyone is pushing out defective products. and you do them well. then this could be your USP. If you are really cheaper than any other seller in town (and no one will really agree to beat your price). then this could also be a USP.
“Why should I buy from you?”
But let’s be honest. Few people would say that they sell defective goods. Quality is a general concept. How does it manifest itself? Do you repair only 0.1% of equipment under warranty and no more than 1% of post- switzerland telegram data warranty repairs within 5 years after purchase? Yes. This is already a measurable indicator that can be your USP.
Simple? It seems so! Simple!
The same goes for the price. Everyone around you says that their prices are cheap. But if you hang the price tags of your 10 closest competitors with all their discounts. bonuses and other perks next to yours (they will definitely not lower the price when it is lower) and it will be clearly visible that you offer the same thing. but really cheaper – this will be your USP.
But price. quality. spe. of work – these are all relative concepts. If you want them to choose creating an instagram ads campaign effectively you – you ne. to be more specific. Otherwise. you will broadcast the same thing as everyone else.
How can you find your USP?
I call. this method: “USP Constructor” .
Let’s do everything in order and in the end you will formulate your own Unique Selling Proposition. Agre.? Let’s go!
Step 1 – Determine WHO your client is
Here it is important to draw a portrait of the client (back in 2007 I brought from the West to european leads Russian marketing such a concept as Avatar. but we will not talk about Avatar now. since it is relat. to the USP. but indirectly) . But the portrait of the client is very important to us.
What is a customer profile?
A customer profile is a set of specific parameters of the person who buys your product.
I would like to point out that there may be several portraits. And the more accurately you describe them. the better your USP will be.