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Here is the Checklist to follow

Verify that the Robots file is correctly filled out (the risk of making serious errors in terms of Google ranking is very high)! and communicate the Sitemap.xml in Google Search Console! as we have already mentioned a little while ago.

The general rules for creating a robots.txt file are:

  • create a text file called “ robots.txt ” in the root of your website (you can also create it with SEO plugins mentioned above).
  • Indicate the search engines you want to crawl your website.
  • Specify which folders or pages on your website you want to prevent search engines from crawling. For example! to prevent search engines from accessing a folder called “private!” enter Disallow.

Here is an example of a robots.txt file to allow all search engines to access all pages of the website except the “private” folder:

We won’t go into more detail here! as there are other resources specifically written about robots.txt that are great

Testing of Contact Forms and Newsletter subscription areas! if present

Verify that everything is working and investor database that the administrator receives the correct message and any attachments.

To improve the customer experience of your users! it is good that the same user (who left the message on the contact form) receives a message from somewhere that communicates the successful outcome of the operation; a simple ” we have received your request ” or ” thank you for signing up for our newsletter ” is enough. You can learn more about contact forms that work here .

Site languages

If the site is multilingual! confirmation or error messages must be in the language; furthermore! when checking the various pages! you must pay attention to any missing translations (a very frequent case! something always slips out).

Mandatory elements of a website: Privacy Policy! Cookie Policy! Company Data! Terms and Conditions

Verify that there are Privacy Policies and Cookie Policies on almost all websites; the VAT number must be published (in the footer) together with the company data if the website belongs to a company / freelancer. As for the Terms and Conditions! they are essential to identify the methods of use of particular web devices! such as e-commerce and Apps.

I won’t go into detail; you can learn arjun gupta co founder more here: bee-social.it/come-adeguarsi-gdpr-azienda-sito

Policy-related topics! then! are not dealt with in a moment. You can always delve deeper into the issue of Cookie Policy with WordPress in our blog .

If I publish a page or the home page of the site on social media! what is displayed?

Another very practical test to do is to observe which texts (title and description) and which images appear when you post a link of the site just mobile list published on Social Networks. Are the texts and images the right ones? Do they appear?

If they do not appear! contact the website developer; before asking for help! however! try the debugging route with Facebook’s Open Graph Debug and verify that titles! descriptions and images are correctly associated with each page (the WordPress plugin All in One Seo allows you to manually correct any errors on each page).

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